TMWYK7 Videos

5 Math Games That Decrease Your Prep Time

Many of you know that I am a HUGE proponent of using math games to build your students’ mathematical minds.  However, the biggest complaint is that math games take so much time to prepare and then you have to teach the new game to the kids before they can go off and play the game on […]

Rainbow Loom® Math

The post below is one I’ve had in the works for a long time, but just haven’t had the time to do it.   The monthly REAL WORLD math blog link-up hosted by 4mulaFun, The Teacher Studio, Teaching to Inspire in 5th, and MissMathDork, has inspired me to dust off the post and finally finish it…hope you enjoy!   Okay, […]

Subitize while #TMWYK

I so wish I would have had my camera at the ready this morning at the breakfast table!  I need to take Christopher Danielson’s advice and get Google Glass, but that’s a little out of my price range.  So I’m going to recreate what my kids said using the visuals below, but I can’t recapture […]

Talking Math With Your Kids #TMWYK

Okay, I’m stealing my title for this post from one of my favorite blogs out there; Talking Math With Your Kids.  My kids get A LOT of math talk in our household, more than they get read to.  In most households it is the other way around; more time is spent reading to the child […]

The Best Graduation Gift #TMWYK

My journey to the graduation gift we are giving high school seniors this year took me a long time to get to.  This graduation gift should actually start way before a kid graduates, but my husband and I are trying in our little way to give kids something I never had: Knowledge about handling money […]