Children's Mathematics - The Book That Changed My Teaching Forever

Blog Hoppers

My journey to become a Recovering Traditionalist started with the book Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction by Thomas Carpenter et al.  So, when I was invited to participate in the blog hop entitled “Math Books That Will Change Your Teaching,” that book instantly came to mind.  This blog hop was organized by The Research Based Classroom and all the participants are shown above.  At the end of my blog is a link to the next blog in the hop.  I encourage you to hop all the way through as each person is giving away the book that Changed Their Teaching.  Here is mine:

Children's Mathematics

In my first years of teaching I quickly discovered I didn’t know anything about teaching math.  I could DO math but I was horrible at teaching it.  When I went back to school to get my master’s degree, my supervising professor had me read Children’s Mathematics.  Now coming from teaching middle school, I wasn’t super excited about reading a book focused on how K-3 kids do math…I wanted to know what to do to help MY students.  What I quickly learned was that the root of their problems and the root of why I was so bad at teaching them was because teachers (myself included) didn’t stop to listen to them.

I was teaching with the mindset that my students’ didn’t know anything and it was my job to tell them everything they needed to know.  But when I watched one of the videos (there are CDs with the book) of a 1st grader solving a division problem, I was amazed.  Now she didn’t know how to do formal division like you expect older kids to do, but she did know how to model the situation.  My problem was I was expecting students to work at the “formal” level when they really were down at an informal level like she was.  She was solving this problem:

Rodney is having some kids over for jelly donuts. 7 donuts can fit on one plate. How many plates will Rodney need for 28 donuts? 

What I saw still amazes me every time…she counted out 7 “donuts” represented by blocks, slid them into a pile and said “That’s one plate.”  Then she counted out 7 more, “that’s another plate,” counts out another 7 and then she goes back and counts them all to see if she is at 28 yet.  She isn’t so she makes another pile of 7, but goes back and recounts each pile to ensure they all have 7, then finally goes back and recounts them all and has 28 donuts accounted for and says “4 plates.”

So why did this amaze me…it’s a kid counting…NO, it’s a kid using what they know to solve a problem.  She knows how to count (and count again, and count again) and she used her skill set to solve a problem.  The teacher didn’t have to tell her what to do and the teacher didn’t interrupt her to suggest a more efficient strategy.  Children’s Mathematics gives teachers insight into how to write story problems that children can solve in their own informal way and shows you the progressions kids go through from using informal strategies like Direct Modeling (counting and recounting everything) to more efficient strategies like Derived Facts (using what you know to help you; 7+8 is like having 5+2+8 because 8 and 2 make 10). The first few lines on the back cover of the book sums up what I took away from reading the book:

By the time they begin school, most children have already developed a sophisticated, informal understanding of basic mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies.  Too often, however, the mathematics instruction that we impose upon them in the classroom fails to connect with this informal knowledge. 

From the book, I began to realize that I wasn’t letting my students use the knowledge about mathematics that they already had in order to make connections to the mathematics they needed to learn.  Children’s Mathematics shows how teaching through problem solving allows students to approach problems at their own level.  Plus it gives teachers insight into the progressions kids go through when solving addition & subtraction, multiplication & division, and multi digit addition & subtraction.  Knowing the progressions allows teachers to identify what stage children are working in and how to help them move to a more formal/efficient strategy.  The mathematical concepts discussed in Children’s Mathematics are K-2, but teachers of all levels can benefit from knowing how kids approach problems informally.

Part of this Math Books That Will Change Your Teaching Blog Hop is giving away the book that changed our teaching.  So scroll down and enter for your chances to win this wonderful book and be prepared to have it change the way you teach.  There is a Second Edition of Children’s Mathematics that will be released in October (super excited to read it!) and so whoever wins my raffle will have a chance to decide if they want to get the old version right now or I will pre-order them the 2nd edition and have it delivered to them when it is released.

Sarah over at Adventures in Guided Math is next in the blog hop line up:



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Comment (11)

  1. This is one of the first books I ever read when I started teaching and you have made me want to read it again! It is a fantastic book and I am super excited that they are releasing a second edition! My math goal for this year is to work on conceptual development of proportional reasoning with my older students.

    1. The book that changed my teaching on proportional reasoning was Teaching Fractions and Ratios for Understanding by Susan Lamon. It’s wonderful.

    1. I am always on the lookout for great sources to help with questioning—questioning that inspires deep thinking. (sorry–did not look at your giveaway options before posting a comment). :0)

      Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  2. I was so lucky to be an education student at the University of WI when the authors were doing their research and work. It was a very exciting time in math–can’t recommend this book enough!

    1. My supervising professor while getting my Master’s degree at BSU, Dr. Brendefur, was at University of WI as well. I will forever be thankful that he made me read this book and everything else I learned while working with him.

  3. This book changed my teaching so much, unfortunately I didn’t read it until about a year ago. I read it along with the book Math Exchanges and I can’t rave enough about how much my instructional practices have improved. My students are becoming much better problem solvers because of these books. Thanks for choosing such a great book.
    The Research Based Classroom

  4. From the post : —-
    Rodney is having some kids over for jelly donuts. 7 donuts can fit on one
    plate. How many plates will Rodney need for 28 donuts?

    What I saw still amazes me every time…she counted out 7 “donuts” represented by
    blocks, slid them into a pile and said “That’s one plate.” Then she counted
    out 7 more, “that’s another plate,” counts out another 7 and then she goes back
    and counts them all to see if she is at 28 yet. She isn’t so she makes another
    pile of 7, but goes back and recounts each pile to ensure they all have 7, then
    finally goes back and recounts them all and has 28 donuts accounted for and
    says “4 plates.”

    I was inspired by this to develop it into a long division routine. It worked, a
    bit longer than the “standard algorithm”, but 100 times more understandable and

    So, take 562 divided by 23 as an example.
    Then compare 23, 230 and 2300 with 562
    The biggest which is still less than 562 is 230
    Try another 230, giving 460
    Still less than 562
    Try another 230, giving 690
    Oh dear, bigger now, so two 230’s added so far
    We have reached 460, so now add 23 to get 483
    Less than 562
    Try another 23, giving 506
    Still less than 562
    Try another 23, giving 529
    Still less than 562
    Try another 23, giving 552 (four 23’s added so far)
    Don’t need to try another, clearly we will go past 562
    as only 10 left to get there

    result: 562 = two 230’s, four 23’s, and 10 left over

    Minimal understanding of place value is needed to put the two bits together and
    get two 230’s and four 23’s is 24 x 23 or twentyfour 23’s

    This can be laid out in a more formal manner, but that might turn it into
    another “standard algorithm”!!!

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