Christmas Math Centers

As I stated in my December Read Aloud post, I get to spend time in my son’s kindergarten classroom doing math centers.  Here is what we did in the Christmas Math Centers:

Memory using Snowmen Subitizing Cards.  I used this set of subitizing cards and set it up with 20 cards (10 sets of matches).  The kids turned over two cards, if the cards match they keep those cards.  If the cards don’t match, they turn the cards back over and it is another student’s turn.

Snowman Subitizing Cards Match Game

The Santa’s Beard Snack center used this picture of Santa.  The students counted out 20 puff chips and placed them in Santa’s beard.  As they rolled the die, the amount shown on the die was how many they could eat off Santa’s beard.

Santa Snack Math Center

I got this idea from Mrs. Lee’s Kinder Kids.  I cut pieces of green construction paper in smaller and smaller sizes.  I bundled them with a paperclip so that each student had a set that would create this tree; they just had to put them in order from the shortest to the longest.  Once either the teacher or I checked the order, the kids glued the strips on and then used a Q-tip to dot white paint (aka snow).

Measurement Christmas Tree

This Christmas Tree & Ornament Match center has the kids find the ornaments that match the number on their tree (I used 10, 9, 8, 6, and 5).  I created packets of 5 trees (with different numbers on the stars) along with the ornaments for each of those trees.  This way all the ornaments got mixed up and the kids had to find the ornaments that went with their tree.  Once they had all their ornaments on, they glued them down. (I created this document for the ornaments so that they could easily be cut out using a 1″ circle cutter that I found at a craft store.  I printed them on colorful paper and then punched them out.)

Addition Tree and Ornament Match

My son has been BEGGING me to let him take the iPad to school to show his favorite apps.  So, with the permission of his teacher, the final center was him teaching his classmates his favorite apps.

K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.MD.2,

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