K-5 Elaboraborations of Common Core Math Practice Standards

These past few days I have been learning lots at the Teachers Development Group‘s Leadership Seminar!  I have taken away a lot as a “coach” but there are two things in particular I want to share for teachers, here is the one for today…and to intrigue you, the other idea is using strategies from Literacy to help promote discourse in our math classes!

While we were here a new document was posted at www.commoncoretools.me.  It is an elaboration of the CCSS Practice Standards.  In the CCSS-Mathematics, pages 6-8 give eight practice standards that kids should be engaged in doing when they are learning mathematics.  The original three pages in CCSS-M are very powerful, but were written in general terms because it is for all kids, K-12.  So many elementary teachers have been lost as to how they might apply to their own grade levels.  The new DRAFT document, K-5 Elaborations of the Practice Standards, was written to give us more information about what these eight Practice Standards look like for elementary teachers.  So, check them out, and because they are a DRAFT be sure to read and critique them and send the writers your feedback.


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Comment (1)

  1. This is very helpful and useful when trying to apply the practices to our math lessons. It also reinforces the fact that we might be doing some of this already. Thank you for your ideas and for sharing!

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