Savvy Subitizing Activity

This week for my Number Sense post I decided to share a set of cards that I developed to play a game adapted from the card game Ratuki®.  I love playing Ratuki® with my 6 YO, it is a great subitizing activity, but I wish the amounts shown on the cards went up higher and included some additional visuals.  So I developed my own set of cards that have six different representations of each number 1-10.  Each number, 1 through 10, is represented with tally marks, a rekenrek, ten frame, dot pattern, the written numeral, and a finger pattern.  These visuals allow kids to instantly recognize (i.e. Subitize) amounts.  This subitizing activity is fast paced so it forces kids to use the patterns to quickly identify the amount on each card.

Subitizing Activity: dot patterns, ten frames, rekenrek, finger patterns


The game Savvy Subitizing that I play with this deck of cards is a subitizing activity which builds students’ Spatial Relationships around numbers, but also develops the other number sense relationships of One/Two More or Less, plus, many of the cards encourage students to use the Benchmarks of 5 & 10.



Below are the full directions and you can download the cards by clicking HERE If you don’t want to make your own, you can purchase decks of the subitizing cards HERE.

Subitizing Activity


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Comment (4)

  1. It’s awesome what all I am finding out about 1st graders from this assessment! Now I see how kids get clear to 5th grade and the only strategy they have is count on! They were never encouraged to subitize sets within sets! I am also amazed at the lack of finger dexterity with first graders.

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