Teaching the Teen Numbers

The teen numbers are hard!!  I was reminded of that again today as I picked up my daughter’s Kindergarten Pre-Assessment.  They had her write as many numbers as she could, and just like her older brother used to do, she wrote all the teen numbers incorrectly. Even though it is incorrect, it is actually normal.  […]

Easter Egg Math Activities

I am a firm believer in doing math activities that make kids feel like they aren’t doing math at all.  So, seeing all the cute ways teachers are using easter eggs to help kids with literacy and math got me inspired to create some math eggs of my own for my daughter’s Preschool and my […]

Teachers Pay Teachers Freebies

I don’t know if all of you know about Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT), but I learned of the site about a year ago.  Teachers share documents they have created for use in their classroom, some are for free but some are for sale.  I contribute files to the site (some free, some for sale) as […]

Pinterest Pins I Love!

I really tried avoiding Pinterest because I heard how addicting it is.  I finally gave in and yes it is addicting but it is because of how much wonderful stuff there is out there!  I just can’t stop learning.  Here are a few of my favorite pins that I thought you might enjoy: #1  Use […]