Easter Egg Math Activities

I am a firm believer in doing math activities that make kids feel like they aren’t doing math at all.  So, seeing all the cute ways teachers are using easter eggs to help kids with literacy and math got me inspired to create some math eggs of my own for my daughter’s Preschool and my […]

Fact Fluency Part 2: Build Number Sense to Build Fact Fluency

Have you ever seen a 5th grade student count on their fingers to add 7 + 8?  Or a 6th grader doing repeated addition on their paper to solve 9 x 7?  If you haven’t, I can guarantee you’ve heard the stories from the upper grades teachers during staff meetings as they complain that “Kids […]

Teachers Pay Teachers Christmas Freebies

Looking for some fun (and FREE) Christmas Themed Math Activities??  Well, Teachers Pay Teachers has a bunch of free ones, but I just picked out a few for you. 1)  Kindergarten and 1st grade kiddos will have fun with Santa’s Sleigh Drop.  They get to model a story problem about Santa dropping toys off his […]