Talking Math With Your Kids #TMWYK

Okay, I’m stealing my title for this post from one of my favorite blogs out there; Talking Math With Your Kids.  My kids get A LOT of math talk in our household, more than they get read to.  In most households it is the other way around; more time is spent reading to the child and less talking math.  This is usually because most adults fear math and think mathematics is about sitting down and doing mindless worksheets and flashcards with kids.  I have never done a worksheet or flashcards with my children (except the ones they bring home as homework from school), yet we do math everyday.  Instead, I talk math with my kids.  I have a YouTube channel where I publish videos of some of the informal math talks we have (it has been awhile since I posted any…having four kids age 6 and under doesn’t leave me with as much time as I’d like to create videos).  They aren’t the best videos because usually we are informally talking and then I realize I need to get my phone out and record the amazing math thinking my kids are doing…but often I am shaky with the camera or one of the babies is crying in the background.  I don’t do the videos to show what a great videographer I am, I do the videos to show parents how simple, informal math talk can help your children more than doing a worksheet.  Yesterday my son (who will be 3 in July) and I were sitting in the car waiting for the older kids’ t-ball game to start.  We were having a #mathsnack that I just had to capture.  Check it out and let me know in the comments what important math concepts you see him grasping and/or still struggling with.  Enjoy!


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