Teachers Pay Teachers Freebies

I don’t know if all of you know about Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT), but I learned of the site about a year ago.  Teachers share documents they have created for use in their classroom, some are for free but some are for sale.  I contribute files to the site (some free, some for sale) as well.  But as I think all teachers would agree, free is always nice…but free doesn’t always mean the product is good.  So each month I will be posting files that I find on TpT that are FREE and GREAT.  This month I am going to start off with some of the free files that I have on TpT, since I made them they must be GREAT!!! 🙂

Subitizing Activity
I got this idea from another blog (Learning 4 Kids) but had to create the game boards myself.  So, once I had drawn them I thought other teachers might like to use them and not have to draw their own.  The basic idea is that children roll a die, take that many pom poms, and cover the circles on their board.  The first person to fill all their circles wins.

Place Value Cards
The origin of these cards can be credited to Montessori, I believe.  I first saw an adaptation of them in an NCTM publication, which I then adapted.  My version has the numerals in the corners of each card so that you can see the expanded form even when you place the cards on top of each other to create the standard form, but I also put a Rekenrek visual of each number on the back of each card because kids need to have visuals to correspond to numerals.

What the Heck is a Rekenrek???
If you asked yourself that question after reading about the activity above, then you need this file.  This file explains what they are, how you can make a homemade version, and a few activities you can do with rekenreks.

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