The Recovering Traditionalist


Fact Fluency Part 3: The Power of Subitizing

Have you ever had a student that when you put up 4 fingers and asked them “How many fingers do I have?” they had to count each finger one-by-one?  That happens way too often in early elementary classrooms.  Those children can count, but they are not subitizing and without being able to subitize a child […]

Fact Fluency Part 2: Build Number Sense to Build Fact Fluency

Have you ever seen a 5th grade student count on their fingers to add 7 + 8?  Or a 6th grader doing repeated addition on their paper to solve 9 x 7?  If you haven’t, I can guarantee you’ve heard the stories from the upper grades teachers during staff meetings as they complain that “Kids […]

5 Ways to Build Math Minds

Last summer I left the job that I had for 7 years and have slowly been transitioning out of it (they kept bringing me back in :).  With that job I was always busy during the summers doing trainings for teachers, but this summer and most of last summer I’ve gotten to be home hanging out […]

Balancing The Equation

Welcome to my piece of the Balancing The Equation blog hop book study!  If you are just joining in, the blog hop is almost over…however, there are links at the bottom of this post to everything so that you can go back to the posts about the other chapters.  Make sure you head over and […]

My Evaluation of Prodigy Math

I get emails a lot from teachers asking me what I think of this program, or that app, etc.  Well, two times in one week I got asked about the math game Prodigy Math.  I hadn’t heard of it, so after the second question I decided to look in to it, especially because the second […]

5 Math Games That Decrease Your Prep Time

Many of you know that I am a HUGE proponent of using math games to build your students’ mathematical minds.  However, the biggest complaint is that math games take so much time to prepare and then you have to teach the new game to the kids before they can go off and play the game on […]