The Recovering Traditionalist


Can Timed Tests Help Develop a Growth Mindset?

Yesterday, during a PD session, I was asked my thoughts on timed tests.  With all the talk about growth versus fixed mindsets, the topic of timed tests for facts has become a popular topic.  My thoughts may not match up with the popular thought of the moment, but I’m going to post it anyway.  (If you don’t […]

My #NCTMBoston Takeaways

I had the great pleasure of presenting at the Annual NCTM Conference.  For those of you interested, you can download my presentation on my other website This year it was held in Boston and I got to take a tour of Fenway Park!!  I even got sucked into the excitement of game day and […]

The Correct Way to Use the Area Model

Is there a WRONG way to use the area model?  I think so, but you may disagree with me.  I don’t know where this started, but I am very tired of seeing area models being modeled incorrectly.  It is so prevalent that I even saw one of the keynote speakers at an NCTM Regional Conference […]

Math Doesn’t have to be Formal #TMWYK

Tonight for some unknown reason my oldest son, who is in 1st grade, made a statement that started an informal conversation about math.  This is the type of math that I do with my kids at home (no worksheets, no flashcards, etc…instead we #TMWYK – Talk Math With Your Kids) and so I thought I’d share […]