The Recovering Traditionalist


I Heart Math

Valentine’s candy conversation hearts are a favorite around our house.  I recently saw this post about these cool conversation hearts that have letters instead of sayings on them. Of course, being math minded as I am, my first thought was, “What math could teachers do with these conversation hearts?”  Here are my initial 🙂 ideas…do you […]

Leftover Candy Canes? Do some 3 Act Math!

So here we are after Christmas and I still have boxes of candy canes sitting in my pantry.  I don’t want to eat them and I don’t want my kids to eat them….so let’s do some 3 Act Math with them instead. Candy Cane Act 1 What do you notice? What do you wonder? Focus question: […]

My Dave Ramsey Goals

It was just last week that I wrote about how sticking to New Year’s Resolutions is really just like problem solving.  Then a few days ago I was listening to Dave Ramsey via the iPhone app on my drive to work and heard him re-iterate the 5 things that differentiate a WISH from a GOAL […]

Christmas Math Center Activities 2014

I love Christmas.  I love it even more now that I have kids of my own.  I love seeing their faces light up on Christmas morning.  But one of my favorite things I get to do now is going into my children’s classrooms the last day before their Christmas break to do some Christmas Math […]

Pre-service Elementary Ed Students and Student Loans

One of my jobs is teaching Math for Elementary Education at a university nearby.  Most of the students who take the course are Freshmen and Sophomores.  This semester I gave them an extra credit assignment designed to: 1) Encourage them to not take out any loans or reduce the amount of loans they do take out; whether […]