The Recovering Traditionalist


Teaching the Teen Numbers

The teen numbers are hard!!  I was reminded of that again today as I picked up my daughter’s Kindergarten Pre-Assessment.  They had her write as many numbers as she could, and just like her older brother used to do, she wrote all the teen numbers incorrectly. Even though it is incorrect, it is actually normal.  […]

My First 3 Act Math Tasks

The other day I had one of the best days I’ve had in a long time out in the schools.  After watching Dan Meyer’s Webinar about the 3 Act Math Tasks (if you don’t know what 3 Act Math is, stop reading and watch the webinar…seriously…it is worth the 30 minutes) and then reading everything […]

Quick Differentiated Math Fact Assessment

Right now we are in the midst of the state assessments, yet as I was helping my Kindergarten son get checked into his classroom I was reminded that the assessments teachers do to inform instruction can be quick and easily differentiated.  His teacher decided to put a math fact on their name tag so that […]

Easter Egg Math Activities

I am a firm believer in doing math activities that make kids feel like they aren’t doing math at all.  So, seeing all the cute ways teachers are using easter eggs to help kids with literacy and math got me inspired to create some math eggs of my own for my daughter’s Preschool and my […]

Make Math Informal and Connected

Tonight I was sitting down with my 6 year old son doing his math homework.  One of the last problems was 38 < ___ and ___< 60.  At first he put 38 < 39 and then he thought for a moment and said, “Can it be ANY number that is bigger than 38?” and I […]